Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ramadan Days Duaas - 16th Ramzan to 30th

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 16
O Allah, grant me compatibility with the good, keep me away from patching up
with the evil, lead me in it, by Your mercy, to the permanent abode, by Your
Godship, O the God o f the worlds. AMEEN.

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 17
O Allah, guide me towards righteous actions, fulfill my needs and hopes, O One
who does not need explanations nor questions, O One who knows what is in the
chests of the (people of the) world. Bless Muhammad and his family, the Pure.

Ramadaan Duaa: DAY 1 8
O Allah, awaken me with the blessings of its early mornings, Illuminate my heart
with the brightness of its rays, let every part of my body follow its effects, by
Your light, O the illuminator of the h earts of those who know. AMEEN.

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 19
O Allah, multiply for me its blessings, and ease my path towards its bounties,
do not deprive me of the acceptance of its good deeds, O the Guide towards the
clear truth . AMEEN.

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 20
O Allah, open for me the doors of the heavens, and lock the doors of Hell from
me, help me to recite the Quraan, O the One who sends down tranquility into the
hearts of belie vers. AMEEN.

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 21
O Allah, show me the way to win Your pleasure, do not let Shaytan have a
means over me, make Paradise an abode and a resting place for me, O the One
Ramadaan-Duaas.doc 8 who fulfills the requests of the needy. AMEEN .

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 22
O Allah, open for me the doors of Your Grace, send down on me its blessings,
help me towards the causes of Your mercy, and give me a place in the comforts
of Paradise, O the one who answers the call of the distressed. AMEEN.

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 23
O Allah, wash away my sins, purify me from all flaws, examine my heart with
(for) the piety of the hearts, O One who overlooks the shortcomings of the
sinners. AMEEN.

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 24
O Allah, I ask You for what pleases You, and I seek refuge in You from what
displeases You, I ask You to grant me the opportunity to obey You and not
disobey You, O One who is gener ous with those who ask. AMEEN.

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 25
O Allah, make me among those who love Your friends, and hate Your enemies,
following the way of Your last Prophet, O the Guardian of the hearts of the
Ramadaan-Duaas.doc 9
Prophets. AMEEN .

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 26
O Allah, make my efforts worthy of appreciation, and my sins forgiven, my
deeds accepted, my flaws concealed, O the best of those who hear. AMEEN.

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 27
O Allah, bestow on me the blessings of Laylatul Qadr, change my affairs from
(being) difficult to (being) easy, accept my apologies, and decrease for me [my]
sins and burdens, O the Compassionat e with His righteous servants. AMEEN.

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 28
O Allah, grant me a share in its nawafil (recommended prayers), honor me by
attending to my problems, make closer the means to approach You, from all the
means, O One who is not preoccupied by the requests of the beseechers.

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 29
O Allah, cover me with Your mercy, grant me in it success and protection, purify
Ramadaan-Duaas.doc 10
my heart from the darkness of false accusations, O the Merciful to His believing
servants. AMEEN .

Ramadaan D uaa: DAY 30
O Allah, make my fasts worthy of appreciation and acceptance, according to
what pleases You, and pleases the Messenger, the branches being
strengthened by the roots, for the sake of our leader, Muhammad, and his
purified family. Praise be to Allah , the Lord of the worlds. AMEEN.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Women's Freedom in Islam

The women’s liberation movement was not begun by women but was revealed buy god to a man in the seventh century by the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him) who is known as the last prophet of Islam. The Qur’an and the traditions of the prophet (Hadith or Sunnah) are the sources from which every Muslim women derives her rights and duties.

Women’s Human Rights in Islam:

Islam, fourteen centuries ago, made women equally accountable to God in glorifying and worshipping Him setting no limits on her moral Progress.

Also, Islam established a woman’s equality in her humanity with men, in the Qur’an in the first verse of the chapter entitled "women" God says

"O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord who created you from a single soul and from it its mate and from them both have spread broad a multitude of men and women. Be careful of your duty toward Allah in whom you claim (your rights) of one another and towards the wombs (that bore you) LO! Allah has been a watcher over you"(4:1)

Since men and women both come from the same essence, they are equal in their humanity. Women cannot be by nature evil (as some religions believe) or them men would be evil, also. Similarly, neither gender can be superior because it would be a contradiction of equality.

Women’s Civil Rights in Islam:

In Islam, a woman has the basic freedoms of choice and expression based on recognition of her individual personality. First, she is free to choose her religion. The Qur’an states;

"there is no compulsion in religion. Right has been made distinct from error". (2:256)

Women are encouraged in Islam to contribute their opinions and ideas, There are many traditions of the Prophet (p) which indicate women would pose questions directly to him and offer their opinions concerning religion, economics and social matters.

A Muslim woman chooses her husband and to keep her name after marriage. A Muslim woman's testimony is valid in legal disputes. In fact, where women are more familiar, their evidence is conclusive.

Women’s Social Rights in Islam:

The Prophet (s) said, "seeking knowledge is a mandate for every Muslim (male and female )’’. This includes knowledge of the Qur’an and the Hadith as well as other knowledge. Men and women both have the capacity for learning and understanding. Since it is also their obligation to promote good behavior and condemn bad behavior in all spheres of life Muslim women must acquire the oppropriate education to perform this duty in accordance with their own natural talents and interests.

While maintenance of a home, providing support to her husband and bearing, raising and teaching of children are among the first and very highly regarded roles for a women, if she has the skills to work outside the home for the good of the community, she may do so as long as her family obligations are met.

Islam recognizes and fosters the natural differences between men and women despite their equality. Some types of work are more suitable for men and other types for women. This in no way diminishes either’s effort nor its benefit. God will reward both sexes equally for the value of their work though it may not necessarily be the same activity.

Concerning motherhood the prophet [pbuh] said, "Heaven lies under the feet of mothers" this implies that the success of a society can be traced to the mothers that raised it. The first and greatest influence on a person comes from the sense of security affection and training received from the mother therefore a woman having children must be educated and conscientious in order to be a skillful parent.

Women’s Political Rights in Islam:

A right given to Muslim women by God 1400 years ago is the right to vote. On any public matter, a woman may voice her opinion and participate in politics. One example narrated in the Qur’an (60:12) MUHAMMAD [Pbuh] is told that when the believing women come to him and swear their allegiance to Islam he must accept their oath. This established the right of women to select their leader and publicly declare so. Finally Islam does not forbid a woman from holding important positions in government. Abdurrahman Ibn Auf consulted many women before he recommended Uthman Ibn Affan to be the caliph.

Women’s Economic Rights in Islam:

The Qur’an states: "by the creation of the male and female: Verily [the ends] ye strive for are diverse"(92:3-4)

In these verses, God declares that he created men and women to be different, with unique roles, functions and skills. As in society, where there is a division of labor so too in a family, each member has different responsibilities. Generally, Islam upholds that woman are entrusted with the nurturing role, and men, with the guardian role. Therefore woman are given the right of financial support.

The Qur‘an states: "Men are the maintainers of woman because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend of their wealth (for the support of woman" (4:34)

This guardianship and greater financial responsibility is given to men requires that they provide women with not only monetary support but also physical protection and kind and respectful treatment.

Muslim woman have the privilege to earn money, the right to own property, to enter into legal contracts and to manage all of her assets in any way she pleases. She can run her own business and no one has any claim on her earnings including her husband. The Quran states: "and in no wise covet those things in which Allah hath bestowed his gifts more freely on some of you than on others: to men is allotted what they earn and to woman what they earn: but ask Allah of his bounty for Allah hath full knowledge of all things." (4:32)

A woman inherits from her relatives .The Quran states: "For men there is a share in what parents and relatives leave and for women there is a share of what parents and relatives leave whether it be little or much an ordained share." (4:7)

Women’s Rights as a Wife:

THE Qur’an states: " And among His signs is that he created for you mates from among yourselves that you may live in tranquility with them and he has put love and mercy between you; Verily, in that are sings for people who reflect". (30:21)

Marriage is therefore not just a physical or emotional necessity but in fact a sign from God! It is a relationship of mutual rights and obligations based on divine guidance God created men and women with complimentary natures and in the Qur’an, He laid out a system of laws to support harmonious interaction between the sexes "they are your garments and you are their garments." (2:187)

Clothing provides physical protection and covers the beauty and faults of the body. Likewise, spouse is viewed this way. Each protects the other and hides the faults and compliments the characteristics of the spouse.

To foster the love and security that comes with you and security that comes with marriage, Muslim wives have various rights. The first of the wife's rights is to receive mahr, a gift from the husband which is part of the marriage contract and required for the legality of the marriage.

The second right of a wife is maintenance. Despite any wealth she may have, her husband is obligated to provide her with food, shelter and clothing. He is not forced, however, to spend beyond his capability and his wife is not entitled to make unreasonable demands. The Qur’an states: "Let the man of means spend according to his means and the man whose resources are restricted, let him spend according to what Allah has given him. Allah puts. No burden on any person beyond what he has given him."(65:7)

God tells us men are guardians over women and are afforded the leadership in the family. His responsibility for obeying God extends to guiding his family to obey God at all times.

A wife's rights also extend beyond material needs. She has the right to kind treatment. The Prophet (pbuh) said. Go"The most perfect believers are the best in conduct. And the best of you are those who are best to their wives." God tells us He created mates and put love, mercy and tranquility between them.

Both men and women have a need for companionship and sexual needs and marriage is designed to fulfill those needs. For one spouse to deny this satisfaction to the other, temptation exists to seek it elsewhere.

Women’s Duties as a Wife:

With rights come responsibilities. Therefore, wives have certain obligations to their husbands, The Qur'an states: "The good women in the absence of their husbands guard their rights as Allah has enjoined upon them to be guarded." (4:34)

A wife is to keep her husband's secrets and protect their marital privacy. Issues of intimacy of faults of his that would dishonor him, are not to be shared by the wife, just as he is expected to guard her honor.

A wife must also guard her husband's property. She must safeguard his home and possessions, to the best of her ability, from theft or damage. She should manage the household affairs wisely so as to prevent loss or waste. She should not allow anyone to enter the house that her husband dislikes nor incur any expenses of which her husband disapproves.

A Muslim woman must cooperate and coordinate with her husband. There cannot however, be cooperation with a man who is disobedient to God. She should not fulfill his requests if he wants her to do something unlawful. A husband also should not take advantage of his wife, but be considerate of her needs and happiness.


The Qur'an states: "And it becomes not a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His messenger (Muhammad) have decided on an affair (for them). That they should (after that) claim any say in their affair; and whose is rebellious to Allah and His messenger, he verily goes astray in error manifest," (33:36)

The Muslim woman was given a role duties and rights 1400 years ago that most women do not enjoy today even in the west. These are from God and are designed to keep balance in society; what may seem unjust or missing in one place is compensated for or explained in another place. Islam is a complete way of life.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Islam Born in Mecca Spread Across the World

How Did the Islam Born in Mecca Spread Across the World?

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) expended enormous energy on preaching the Islamic moral values taught him by Allah until the very end of his life. By Allah’s leave, this message initiated through such sincere endeavors on the part of our Prophet (PBUH) spread across a very wide region in a short space of time by means of his honesty, determination and moral virtues. This message, which continued after the death of our Prophet (PBUH) was a means whereby millions of people came to have faith; in this way, people learned true love, peace and justice, based on the moral precepts of the Holy Qur’an.

The Prophet Muhammad (saas), whom Allah tells us in the Holy Qur’an He sent as a “Mercy to the Worlds,” abided by Islamic moral values with the utmost joy and enthusiasm right up to the end of his life, a life which constituted a role model for others. This message, single-handedly initiated by our Prophet (PBUH), soon spread, by Allah’s leave, over a wide area. And it continued after him, again through the efforts of sincere believers. According to the latest research, this joyous rise of Islam, regarded as the most rapidly spreading faith in the world, will cause Islam Allah’?n izni ile to rule over the whole world with the coming of the Prophet Isa (pbuh) and the Mahdi in the end times.

Ever since the first days of its revelation, Islam spread at enormous speed by means of the determination and sincerity displayed by our Prophet (PBUH). The determination and justice of the Muslims of that time who adopted our Prophet (PBUH) as a role model was highly influential in many Arab tribes’ turning to Islam. The moral values of the Holy Qur’an brought about positive changes in the lives of the people of the region and replaced the chaos, injustice and blood feuds of the age of ignorance with peace and security. An order based on the true love, respect, compassion and justice of Holy Qur’anic moral precepts was established for the first time uzun süre sonra among the people of the region.

Following the death of our Prophet (PBUH) on 8 June 632 (Gregorian), Islam continued to rise at a great speed, spreading within a few decades to Mesopotamia in the north, Africa in the west and as far as India in the east. Local people, who until shortly before had lived unaware of religious moral values became rulers of a world empire thanks to the reason, awareness and elevated culture bestowed on them by Islamic moral values. This Islamic State, the like of whose rapid rise had rarely been equaled, established a far more powerful administration than other regimes by spreading over a wider extent than the ancient Roman Empire. At the heart of this matchless development of Islam lies the fact it was made possible by the superior virtues, intelligence, foresight, determination and sincere endeavors of our Prophet (saas), by the will of Allah.

Our Prophet (saas) began communicating his message immediately after the Hegira. His method was to employ companions to call on the rulers of neighboring countries to adopt Islamic moral precepts. Our Prophet (PBUH) who acted on our Lord’s command on this subject in the finest possible manner, used wisdom and gentle advice to invite others to adopt Islamic moral precepts by way of these emissaries:

Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and argue with them in the kindest way. Your Lord knows best who is misguided from His way. And He knows best who are guided. (Surat An-Nahl, 125)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Impact of Islam on Europe

Ottoman Empire started conquering Europe in 14th century and by 15th century had most of Eastern Europe under its kingdom. Although traces of Islam have been found a long before Ottoman Empire but Islam flourished appropriately when Ottoman Empire ruled Europe. Historians are of the point of view that Islam laid the foundation of modern Europe and it is it fact the reality. History has noticed Europe dominating the world in the past centuries through its knowledge and power but if we study early invention of mathematics, physics and astronomy, not surprisingly; all the credit goes to Muslim world of seience. Muslim mathematicians worked in every field of mathematics such as Al-Jabir founded algebra. Galileo and Newton, the great scientists of their time, would never have been able to formulate the modern theories of mathematics and physics without the basic and important tools invented by Muslim scientists.

Plato and Aristotle laid the institution of classical writing and texts in ancient Europe but these sculptures were lost in the history and were almost doomed during the Dark Age. It was again Muslims who acted as the caretakers of those important writings and preserved them. Even some of that work was present only in Arabic. Ibne-Rushd, a Muslim, known as Averroes in Europe, had a major name in this regard.

European explorers are famous for their voyages and explorations but it was only made possible by the accurate maps produced by the Muslim mapmakers. These maps paved the way for European explorers to discover new worlds in minimum time span.

This is only the tiny amount of donation made by Islam to Europe directly or indirectly. According to global news, there are about 53 million Muslims in Europe. Islam has become the fastest growing religion in Europe and all over the world, there has been establishment of new mosques all over Europe and even non-Muslims are visiting these mosques. The rate of conversion to Islam shot in the recent years especially after 9/11 attacks when Muslims were accused of it. It was the time when non-Muslims especially Christians were more interested to find out about Islam, Qura'an and the teachings of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Although Islam was manipulated to be the religion of extremism and terrorism but when these individuals studied Islam, their views changed and they found Islam to be the complete code of life and the best religion of the world. So they adopted it after their vast researches. The Muslim immigrants from the Muslim world to Europe living there for decades are clear symbols of peace loving Muslim culture.

Today media, in Europe especially, talks alot about the the disrespect given to women in Islam, but in fact, this is not true. Islam is the only religion that has raised the prestige of women from one of the poorly humiliated creature, in Western culture, to that of a respectful being possessing equal rights to man. Under the wrong ideological concept of child marriage by the non-Muslims, the Muslims have been criticized by the western media but in fact there is no concept of child marriage in Islam and such incidents are purely restricted to few old customed tribes.

As many historians have revealed Islam to be the past of modern Europe we believe that it would be the future of the European world as well.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ramdan Holy Month of Fasting

Ramdan, the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar, is considered as one of the holiest months of the year. Islam uses a lunar calendar - that is, each month begins with the sighting of the new moon. Because the lunar calendar is about 11 days shorter than the solar calendar used elsewhere. For Muslims around the world Ramdan is a "month of blessing" marked by prayer, fasting, and charity.

It was in 610 A.D. when the prophet Muhammad was said to have received revelations from God that later became Islam’s holy book, the Quran (Koran). It is stated that during the month of Ramdan, Allah revealed the first verses of the Quran, the holy book of Islam. Around 610 A.D., the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, used to go out to the desert near Mecca (in today's Saudi Arabia) to think about faith, society and God.

In fact, Ramdan commemorates that part, of the Muslim year, when "the Qur'an was sent down as a guidance for the people" and also for the " judgment between the right and wrong". Another verse of the Quran states that it was revealed "on the night of determination," which Muslims generally observe on the night of 26-27 Ramdan called Shab- be Qadar (Lailatul Qadr). That is why at almost all mosques during Ramdan, the Quran is recited each night in prayers known as Tarawih. In this way, by the end of the month the complete scripture will have been recited.

The holy month begins with the sighting of the crescent moon on the evening following the new moon and lasts for 29 or 30 days depending on the lunar cycle. According to the Quran, Muslims must see the New Moon with the naked eye before they can begin their fast. The practice has arisen that two witnesses should testify to this. It has become usual for Middle Eastern Arab countries to accept, with reservations, the verdict of Cairo. Should the New Moon prove to be invisible, then the month Sha'ban, immediately preceding Ramdan, will be reckoned as 30 days in length, and the fast will begin on the day following the last day of this month.

Fasting during the month of Ramdan, as laid down in the holy Quran is the fourth pillar of the faith. According to the Quran, this entire month is ordained for fasting and abstinence by all adult Muslims. Fasting begins at daybreak and ends at sunset, and during the day eating, drinking, and smoking are forbidden.

Muslims practice fasting, for the entire month of Ramdan. This means that they may eat or drink nothing, including water, while the sun is up as well as making a special effort to avoid sins. Fasting is one of the Five Pillars (duties) of Islam. As with other Islamic duties, all able Muslims take part in fasting from about age of twelve.

Fasting serves many purposes. While they are hungry and thirsty, Muslims are reminded of the suffering of the poor. Fasting is also an opportunity to practice self-control and to cleanse the body and mind. And in this most sacred month, fasting helps Muslims feel the peace that comes from spiritual devotion as well as kinship with fellow believers.

During Ramdan in the Muslim world, most restaurants are closed during the daylight hours. Families get up early for sehri, a meal eaten before the sun rises. After the sun sets, the fast is broken with a meal known as Iftar. Iftar usually begins with dates and sweet drinks that provide a quick energy boost. Iftar" literally means breakfast. It is a meal served at the end of the day during Ramdan, to break the fast. The month of Ramdan brings the families closer sharing the evening meal, paying visits to each other after sundown, giving alms to the poor and fondly remembering the ones who are no more. The fast is again resumed the next morning.

The holy month Ramdan ends with the festival of Eid-ul-Fitr. Literally the "Festival of Breaking the Fast," Eid-ul-Fitr is one of the two most important Islamic celebrations (the other occurs after the Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca). At Eid-ul-Fitr people dress in their finest clothes, adorn their homes with lights and decorations, give treats to children, and enjoy visits with friends and family.
A sense of generosity and gratitude colors these festivities. Although charity and good deeds are always important in Islam, they have special significance at the end of Ramdan. As the month draws to a close, Muslims are obligated to share their blessings by feeding the poor and making contributions to Mosques.

May Allah bestow all Muslims with the courage to complete the fast an all the human beins to adopt right path leading to the peace and prosperity to one and all.